Web design

5 website pages you need on your site and why

21 // 11 // 2021

Many elements of a website make it attractive, successful, and valuable for your business, from the design and colours you choose to the copy you write. However, one of the most important aspects of a website is the pages you choose. Each page helps move your site visitor through their customer journey. The goal is to offer website pages that help people learn more about your business, come to trust you, and ultimately decide to work with you, whether that’s by purchasing a product or investing in one of your services. Learn more about what website pages to include on your site to ensure your readers have a great experience and convert to customers and clients.

The 5 Website Pages You Need on Your Site

Ok, here’s the short version: you need a website Home page, About page, Services/Products page, Blog page, and Contact page. Read on for tips about what to include on each page to encourage readers to engage! 

1. Home Page

Your Home page is often the first page visitors land on when researching your brand. Whether they get there from a Google search or your Instagram page, they must have a great experience on this main page if they’re going to continue exploring your site. If someone doesn’t find your Home page engaging, interesting, relevant, or helpful, it’s unlikely they’ll browse your other website pages.

Some key elements to include on your Home page to engage site visitors and encourage them to stay on your website longer include:

A clear mission or purpose statement–let your readers know what you do and how you help right away.

High-quality brand photos–get personal with your readers by showing your face to foster a connection. 

An overview of what you offer–don’t overwhelm readers with too much information on your Home page, but give a sneak peek into all you have to offer and include a CTA (call to action) to learn more about your services and/or products. 

Testimonials and reviews–when someone is deciding whether or not to work with you, they’ll consider the experiences of your past customers or clients, so be sure to include positive reviews and testimonials on your Home page.

2. About Page

An About page can either be really dull or highly successful in fostering a connection and building trust with your potential clients. It’s important to remember that your About page isn’t a resume or a place to list all of your accomplishments. Instead, it’s the perfect opportunity to get real and let your personality shine. Remember, people hire people, so let your audience know what they’re getting when they decide to work with you! Tell your story in an engaging way that captures readers’ attention, so they leave feeling like they know you better (not just what you’re good at doing). 

Some key elements to include on your About page to engage site visitors and build trust (which leads to sales) include:

High-quality brand photos–include professional branded photos that show your personality. Remember, your About page is the place to showcase you

Your story–share your journey of getting to where you are today and why you are so passionate about what you do. Include aspects of your experience to show your dedication to your business. 

Call to action–once someone learns more about you, they’ll (hopefully) want to know even more about how you can help them, so it’s important to include a CTA to learn more about your offerings, contact you with questions, or get started.

3. Services/Products Page

Whether you’re a service provider or an ecommerce business (or both), you’ll want to dedicate an entire page to sharing about your offerings. For a Services page, highlight your primary services or packages, and include detailed descriptions of what they include and how they help your clients. For a Products page, be sure to include high-quality images and product descriptions, as well as a simple way for customers to make a purchase.

Some key elements to include on your Services/Products page to move your audience to action include:

SEO-optimized descriptions–whether for services or products, this page is a great place to insert keywords to help your site rank in search results while providing readers with the information they need to make an informed decision.

High-quality brand photos–if you’re showcasing products, make sure to include multiple high-quality images and even videos!

Prices–including prices for services or packages is optional. If you don’t include pricing, be sure to make a statement about pricing, such as “Contact us for a personalized quote.” If you have products, they need pricing. 

Testimonials and reviews–you can also include testimonials on your Services/Products page to remind potential customers and clients of how you’ve helped others just like them!

4. Blog Page

There are so many benefits to having a Blog page on your website. It provides a way for potential clients to engage with you further, even if they aren’t ready to make a purchase. It is the perfect place to optimize your content for SEO to increase your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your website. It is also an excellent way to share your expertise and convert your audience into customers and clients.

Some key elements to include on your Blog page to ensure you make the most of the content you post include:

800+ words of copy for each blog post–make sure you provide readers with a lot of value in every blog post.

SEO-optimized content–each blog post should have a unique SEO keyword phrase to help your site rank in Google and other search engines. 

High-quality photos–whether you use pictures of yourself, your products, or stock imagery, include pictures on your Blog page to engage the visual learner. 

Call to action–every blog post needs a call to action, whether to read another blog post, visit certain website pages, or contact you to learn more. 

P.S. If you’re not quite ready to have a Blog page on your website, switch out this page for a Portfolio page to showcase your best work! Or, better yet, have both website pages!

5. Contact Page

A Contact page is one of the most important website pages you need on your site. It should be super easy for your site visitors to reach out to you, whether they have a question or are ready to work with you.

Some key elements to include on your Contact page to make it easy for potential customers or clients to get in touch with you include:

A simple contact form–don’t make your contact form too confusing or lengthy, as this may deter people from completing it. Instead, make it easy for people to reach out; you can get into the details later.

Your email address–provide multiple ways for people to contact you. Even if you have a form, and that’s your preferred method of contact, include an email address or phone number as well. 

Social links–provide more ways for people to stay in touch with you by including links to your social pages!

mint & poppy Designs These 5 Website Pages for You

Your website is like your business’s home. It’s the place you can truly show off your brand, yourself, and how you help your audience. If you’re ready to have a business website that stands out, engages your audience, and helps your business grow, we can help! At mint & poppy, we not only design the five essential website pages but help you with copywriting, optimization, strategy, and everything else you need to have a website you love. Learn more about our all-inclusive website design package here. Then contact us today to start building the website of your dreams!